Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#108 Resurrecting Prize Old Ale

July 28, 2023

Last year’s release of Prize Old Ale was a real highlight for many fans of excellent beer. But the journey of this storied beverage, that classic fruity, strong, dark ale, goes back somewhat further.

Originally a recipe from George Gales & Co, a great deal of interest was generated by the latest version of Prize Old Ale, which was brewed at Dark Star by head brewer Henry Kirk.

According to John Keeling, the former brewing director at Fuller’s and a previous colleague of his, Henry made a version of great character and personality –  much like himself.

For those that don’t know, Henry is a celebrated brewer. Previously the head brewer at Dark Star and has worked in a variety of breweries including Fullers over the past 12 years.

He is also passionate about old British styles and cask beer. In this podcast, he recounts the rich history of this revered beverage and his role in ensuring its story was kept alive.

And thanks to Henry, you can refer to his presentation, which is linked right here.

You can also read John Keeling’s article on the story Prize Old Ale in his own words