Brett Mason Show
Latest Episodes
Somebody Stole My Identity
This stupid bank rule needs to be changed!!! Yes my debit card was hacked and I lost everything. This rule needs to he changed at the bank drive thru now.
Tab Cola, Faygo Rootbeer, and Diet RC Cola
Does anyone remember Tab Cola? Let me tell you about Tab, Faygo Cola, and Diet RC Cola. Stories of these drinks are scarier than any modern horror story
Parking Lot Road Rage And Violence
Two wrecks, abandoned shopping carts, bad parking, and a homicidal parking lot rage attack
The Proper Way To Pronounce "Big Dog"
The hilarious story of how the owner of our radio station was OBSESSED with how to pronounce "big dog." Now... say it right!!!
People Be Testing My A--hole Reflex Today
Ever have a day where 10 people test you. Do things to enrage you? Make you insane? Yep. That's today.
Let's Set Some Rules About Cologne And Perfume
Why do people wear enough cologne to choke a horse? It's time to set some simple rules about perfume and cologne. I've had enough!