Breathe Motivation

Breathe Motivation

Latest Episodes

Forward Progress- Episode 117
October 31, 2017

Progress is made every day. No matter how big or small that progress is we have to know it is working. Often times we focus ...

Land of the Lost - Episode 116
October 30, 2017

Caution! Sometimes we are going to feel lost. When we feel lost we can go down a deep dark path that feels lonely. We need ...

The Voice In Our Head - Episode 115
October 29, 2017

It is time to stop playing the games in our head. We are always playing ourselves. It is important to find that we can be ...

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy - Episode 114
October 28, 2017

Life can be challenging. Often times we look for the path of least resistance. We see examples of getting rich quick and reality tv in ...

Rise Above It - Episode 113
October 27, 2017

Sometimes in life, we get our butts kicked. We expect things to go a certain way and it doesn't go as planned. Many times we ...

Set Your Standards High - Episode 112
October 26, 2017

Standards are something we often overlook. Many times we believe that we have to set our standards low to gain things in life. What we ...

Interview with Dr. Baker of the Go Friend Your Self Podcast- Episode 111
October 25, 2017

Join us today with our guest Dr. Baker. She is a psychologist with an awesome podcast called Go Friend Your Self. I enjoy her podcast ...

You’re Only As Limited As Your Thoughts- Episode 110
October 24, 2017

Your thoughts are what your life is. The way you set out to live is determined by you and the life you want to live. ...

Am I Selfish- Episode 109
October 23, 2017

Selfish is a word that has taken on a negative feeling. There are many people who give that word a rightful meaning by being self-absorbed ...

Statistics, Destiny, or Right Place, Right Time - Episode 108
October 22, 2017

Perspective plays a large role in our lives. Many people have different sets of ideas and feel very strongly about them. What you can learn ...