Breathe Love & Magic

Breathe Love & Magic

Call In Your Angels, Guides, & The Unicorns – Podcast Snack

May 15, 2024

In this podcast snack, I share how my friend Beth was worried about a meeting she had to attend today. Sometimes things didn’t go so smoothly with this person and she was stressing about the upcoming meeting.

In this short episode, you’ll learn about my suggestions to call in her spirit helpers and ancestors, and well as calling in the unicorns who pave the way with harmony and fill the space with that energy as well.

You’ll find out how you can do this yourself and that it can help with business meetings, friends, or even family gatherings that might normally make you nervous.

Call in your helpers who are more than happy to oblige but need your request first. This is especially true of your angels.

In a previous podcast, I interviewed David Winter who had extensive experience working with unicorns and I mention him in this podcast snack. If you want to hear about his view on unicorn magic listen here.

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