Breathe Love & Magic

Breathe Love & Magic

How I Manifested 3 Gifts from the Universe-Podcast Snack

May 11, 2024

This is just a quick episode sharing how I manifested three gifts from the Universe! It was so much fun and completely unexpected.

That’s why I want to share how it all happened with you. This way, you can try it for yourself and get your own gifts- yay!

I found this prayer or blessing on instagram and although I don’t know who the author is, I’ll just admit it sure wasn’t me. Give this a try for yourself at the start of any day.

My apologies to the author for not properly acknowledging you. I asked to find the author but it came up empty. It did however attribute the concept, but not the exact words to Alan Watts.

“Universe, I trust that you have a gift for me, one that will bring me joy,abundance, and alignment with my soul’s purpose. I surrender my desires to your divine plan, knowing that you always have my back. I am open to receiving your blessings ad guidance, and I trust that my highest good is

on it’s way to me.”

The key is to set aside any expectations and trust the Universe to deliver. Don’t ask for anything specific. That’s why trust is key. Hey – the Universe knows you, what you want, adn what is for your highest good!

Have fun with this and please let me know how it works for you in the comments below. Thanks!

The post How I Manifested 3 Gifts from the Universe-Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.