Breathe Love & Magic

Breathe Love & Magic

Winter Solstice Manifestation Party – Podcast Snack

December 19, 2023

Discover Winter Solstice Manifestation – the most powerful day of the year to manifest your dreams. Let me tell you how this all got started.

This is the time of year when Christmas letters come rolling in. They make me realize that everyone’s goals and accomplishments are different.

Winter Solstice Manifestation

I usually don’t write a holiday letter but if I did, here are some highlights I’d share with you from 2023.

2023 Highlights
  • I’m in the top 5% globally for podcasts
  • Put the garbage out 52 times – yay!
  • Went on a trip to Cape Cod with my husband and came back with Covid
  • Washed and folded 102 loads of laundry
  • Read 29 books
  • Watched the sunrise at the beach with my good friend and went to breakfast
  • Discovered the Sunflower Pose, bringing me joy
  • Learned a new healing technique that has helped a number of clients

Hmmm, not quite the same as my friend’s list is it?

But what I realized was everyone doesn’t have the same kind of goals. My goals reflect the way I live and how I count on my intuition to lead the way.

Magical Moments

When it comes down to it, I find that my most memorable moments of the year are the magical ones like:

  • Noticed a lot of synchronicities
  • Received messages from my basil and zinnias plants
  • The moths in my garden came to visit me and did a little dance on my arm
  • Took a Celtic shamanism workshop where I met Merlin, who told me that I was on a journey with no set destination, map, or guide
  • Learning to accept what is, and in turn am finding more joy in every day!

These magical moments extend out to my amazing community, which includes you! I’ve been able to help people gain insight into their life to help them find their path, to make good decisions, and to confirm their gut instincts on situations that crop up.

What Does Your 2024 Look Like?

What kind of magical moments do want to write about in your holiday letter next year, even if you don’t send it to anyone?

With the Winter Solstice coming up on Thursday, December 21st,  there’s no better time to start preparing for the New Year!

I’d love to get together with some spiritually-minded people and work on what on creating something magical for 2024.

That’s why I’m hosting my annual Winter Solstice Manifestation Party and you’re invited!

Why the Winter Solstice?

Did you know the Winter Solstice is the best manifesting day of the year?  Well it is!  It’s the shortest day, meaning from that point forward, daylight starts to grow longer. Yay! And this continues all the way to the summer solstice in June.

That’s why it’s the absolutely perfect time to start formulating your dreams and planting seeds for the next year.

I look forward to seeing you on zoom Thursday, December 21 from 7:30pm to 9:00pm Eastern for this inspiring event! Bring your favorite holiday treats and wear something festive while we raise our energy together  for Winter Solstice Manifestation.

We’ll start by giving gratitude to all 2023 had to offer. Next, we’ll do an energy clearing to make room for the new things you desire. Then we’ll use a manifesting method to create the magical moments you long for in 2024.

It’s always have a fun, inspiring, and uplifting time!

Register Now for 12/21!

Click here to reserve your spot!

It’s just $33.33 to register for the Winter Solstice Manifestation Party, so you can celebrate the days getting longer and attract your heart’s desire for the New Year.

I’m personally very excited about this and what’s to come in your future! Please join me for this fun and empowering event. I look forward to seeing you on zoom.

The post Winter Solstice Manifestation Party – Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
