The Break Time Breakdown

Never Forget
Members of SMART share their memories of September 11, 2001.
In order of appearance: Local 110 BA Richard Roth / Local 110 BA Jason Shultz / Local 44 BM Don Dunne / Local 110 brother Justin Bilyeu / SMART IA Rep Tommy Fuller / Local 110 brother Craig Bohr / Local 110 brother Levi Beisker / Local 7 Organizer John Coleman / Local 44 brother Rich Waugh / Local 110 BM Mark Adams / Local 110 Apprentice Instructor Richie Ray / Local 110 VP Kyle Killebrew / SMART IA Region 1 Director of Organizing Frank Sullivan / Former Flight Attendant Amy Waugh / SMART IA Head of Communications and Mobilization Paul Pimentel.