Breakthrough Basketball Coaching Lab

Breakthrough Basketball Coaching Lab

Latest Episodes

#22 Don Kelbick Part 2 “How to Develop an Attack Mentality”
March 07, 2016

Why You Should Listen? In this Jim Huber Podcast, you will learn Don Kelbick’s comprehensive system that simplifies the game for players at all levels and all positions.  As the name implies, it’s based on an “attack” and then “counter” philosophy.

#21 Don Kelbick “The Coach Whisperer”
February 17, 2016

Why You Should Listen? He doesn’t believe in the shot fakes or reading the defense, and his “triple threat” is completely different from basketball’s traditional shoot, pass or dribble mentality. Breakthrough Basketball’s Don Kelbick is one of the most...

#20 – Dr. Michael Gervais of the Seattle Seahawks “Mind and Elite Performance- Empowering Athletes to Become Champions”
January 27, 2016

Why You Should Listen? Today, nearly every professional sport incorporates mental training. The U.S. Olympic Committee now has five full-time sports psychologists, and many more athletes meet with independent specialists One of the best in the business...

#19 – Creating The Next Steph Curry
January 06, 2016

Why You Should Listen? There has never been a shooter as good as Steph Curry. Period. He’s so good, he has literally changed the way the game is being played and the way offenses are being structured. In this podcast we look at the rituals,

#18 Zeller Part 2 “Navigating The Recruiting Process & Letting ‘Em Go”
December 22, 2015

Why You Should Listen? As parents our desire is to control our children’s choices especially when it comes to making a college decision.  This desire is only natural when it involves people you love, but it must be controlled, nonetheless.

#17 Steve and Lorri Zeller “How to Parent & Raise 3 NBA Players – The Zeller Way”
December 16, 2015

Why You Should Listen? As parents, there is an internal struggle of desperately wanting your children to be better than yourself and better than the way they are currently acting or performing. This is not a bad desire. However,

#16 Alex Cervasio “Social Media Madness, A Coach’s Guide to Survive and Thrive”
December 09, 2015

Why You Should Listen? In recent years, social media has grown rapidly.  Services like Twitter, Facebook and Intagram have provided opportunities for people to speak in real time for everyone to see.  It seems like a great idea,

#15 Jim Kwik – FAST Learning; The Science Behind Building Smarter Teams
December 02, 2015

Why You Should Listen? As a Coach, we all want players who can memorize and execute their playbook under pressure situations.  As a player, we lose minutes sometimes because we do not know the playbook. No one on Earth has a more powerful mind than the...

#14 – Chris Herren “Kids and Drugs, Today’s Pressures and Tomorrow’s Solutions”
November 25, 2015

Why You Should Listen? Chris Herren first became a celebrity as a teenage McDonalds All American basketball star. Then disaster struck as a freshman at Boston College when a roommate offered him a single line of cocaine.

#13 – Building Culture with Jon Gordon “You Win in The Locker Room First”
November 19, 2015

Why You Should Listen?  Jon Gordon‘s best-selling books and talks have inspired readers and audiences around the world. His principles have been put to the test by numerous NFL, NBA, and college coaches and teams, Fortune 500 companies,