Breakthrough Basketball Coaching Lab

Breakthrough Basketball Coaching Lab

#19 – Creating The Next Steph Curry

January 06, 2016

Why You Should Listen?

There has never been a shooter as good as Steph Curry. Period. He's so good, he has literally changed the way the game is being played and the way offenses are being structured. In this podcast we look at the rituals, techniques and mentality that go into becoming a truly world class shooter. In my experience coaching great shooters like Marvin Clark (Michigan State), Michael Porter Jr (MOKAN) and Ben Richardson (Loyola) I have seen the repetition, dedication and the mentality that elite shooters possess, In this trip into the shooting lab we break down the elements and conditions necessary to create, "the Next Steph Curry!"

What people don’t see is the time that Steph spent at a young age working on developing his shooting mechanics the right way.  His dad helped him realize that it only takes between 100 to 300 repetitions to teach a new movement.  They also understood that is takes 2,000 to 3,000 repetitions to re-teach a movement that was taught incorrectly.

I can’t tell you how many players I see at the high school level with NO chance to be a great shooter because their shooting form has serious flaws.  These flaws that have been there for many years are VERY difficult to correct.  9 out of 10 players don’t have the time, confidence or will-power to break their bad habits.

As in life, you must crawl before you walk, walk before you run, to many people just want to run, or grab a ball and shoot.  IT SIMPLY DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY.  Not enough people teach proper shooting mechanics.  Don’t take for granted that a player knows what you know.

Our hope is this podcast will give coaches, parents and players the tools to develop a successful shooting plan to follow.

Enjoy this episode of The Jim Huber Show!

What You will Hear In This Podcast

0:35- What is common in all great shooters
1:12- How do you help ineffective shooters
1:38- The importance of using film in teaching shooting
2:30- The value in charting the direction a shot is missed
3:40- Keys to shooting at a high percentage in games
4:24- Developing the next shot mentality to stay aggressive
5:02- Parents need to be careful about what they say to their children about shooting
5:33- How to develop a passion within your child for becoming an elite shooter
6:35- Items to focus on when working with someone on shooting
7:30- Developing touch through form shooting with a feather shot
8:03- Importance of not focusing on makes and misses during form shooting
8:35- Form shooting routine that has be proven to develop elite shooters
9:40- Don’t let kids get discouraged with the process
10:08- Different passes in the catch and shoot workout
10:52- Not allowing the 3 point line to effect developing proper mechanics
11:53- The balance between charting and not charting shots in practice
13:00- The opportunities that becoming a great shooter can provide for players
14:13- How shooting has created Steph Curry into the MVP of the NBA
14:43- How to become a better shooter without shooting at a basket
15:18- The need to be able to coach yourself and put time in on your own
16:16- Getting a college scholarship by becoming an elite shooter
18:04- Finding the right skill training coach to teach your child shooting
18:44- The value in getting a Player Development Coach vs Skill Development Coach
19:53- Using the correct size basketball and goal height at particular ages to condition proper mechanics

I'd love to know your thoughts after you check out the interview. What resonated? What did you learn?

Hit me up on Twitter @jimhubershow or reply back to this email

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