Breakthrough Basketball Coaching Lab

Breakthrough Basketball Coaching Lab

#15 Jim Kwik – FAST Learning; The Science Behind Building Smarter Teams

December 02, 2015

Why You Should Listen?

As a Coach, we all want players who can memorize and execute their playbook under pressure situations.  As a player, we lose minutes sometimes because we do not know the playbook.

No one on Earth has a more powerful mind than the founder and CEO of Kwik Learning, Jim Kwik.  But don't take it from me, ask the founders of Google, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and the hundreds of top leaders around the globe who have hired Jim to improve their mental abilities and memory.

Jim's story was powerful to me because as a child in first grade my parents were called into a meeting and told that I could not read and was a "slow learner".  I was placed in a Hooked on Phonics course and I'm telling you that label "slow learner" was in my head most of my life.  Jim Kwik was labeled "slow" as well after a childhood head injury.  He struggled in school just as I did. We shared the same pain.

My solution was dogged hard work to manage a 3.2 GPA through high school and college.  Jim's solution was to rewire his mind and "learn, how to learn."  Obsessed with comic books, he imagined himself as a Super Hero with fantastic mental abilities.  At some point, his imaginations became reality and now the top thinkers in the world hire Jim to teach them how to unlock the potential we all have in our "Super Hero Minds".

In this Podcast, Jim Kwik shares the secrets to his "powers" and how you can quickly empower your team to remember all the little things that make a BIG difference.  Imagine the confidence a coach has when he or she absolutely knows that the players can and will set up and execute plays at a higher level!  Our hope with this podcast is to make you a smarter coach, with a smarter team!

Enjoy this episode of The Jim Huber Show!

What You will Hear In This Podcast

0:40- Who is Jim Kwik
1:01- Jim’s Connection to Jim Kwik in Regards to Memory and Intelligence Improvement
1:44- Jim Kwik’s Accident that Lead him to Create Breakthrough Techniques for his Brain
2:38- F.A.S.T – 4 Keys to Help Someone Learn Quicker
3:00- To Learn Something Brand New First You Need to Forget Everything You Know About the Subject
3:37- You Have to Active in Learning You Can’t be Passive
4:24- The Difference Between Note Taking and Note Making for Creative Learning
5:45- All Learning is State Dependent
8:04- Physical Exercises to Help You Build Your Brain Power
8:17- When You Teach Something You Get to Learn it Twice
9:22- Additional Classes that Should be Taught in School to Teach Effective Learning
10:12- 20th Century Education Doesn’t Work in the 21st Century Learning
11:18- M.O.M is the Three Steps to Take in Remembering Anything
12:33- Creating a Reason Why to Remember is the First Important Step
12:47- Remembering Something Doesn’t Have to do With Retention it has to With Attention
13:22- Bill Clinton’s Strategy in Developing a Powerful Memory
14:15- People Don’t Want Presents But They Want Your Presence
14:58- The Word Listen can be Scrambled into Silent
15:20- How to get Jim Kwik’s Resources and Learning Materials
16:13- The Last M. Developing Effective Mechanics and Strategies are Important in Remembering
17:20- Jim Kwik and Troy’s Discussion on Favorite Super Hero
18:50- The Importance of Becoming a Thermostat in Your Live

Follow on Twitter: @jimkwik

Find information on Jim Kwik, receive a free gift and view his learning resources at

I'd love to know your thoughts after you check out the interview. What resonated? What did you learn?

Hit me up @jimhubershow or reply back to this email

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