Breaking Bitcoin (Video)

Bitcoin New Year's Eve Epic Squeeze - The Battle for 2020! Satoshi's Bitcoin & Libra Controversy!
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Bitcoin New Year's Eve Epic Squeeze - The Battle for 2020! Satoshi's Bitcoin & Libra Controversy!
The squeeze is on ladies and gentlemen, and the battle for Bitcoin 2020 begins. New Year's Eve, 2019. Following a $100 short squeeze to the upside, the new trend seems to have been determined. If Craigh Wright is to be believed, tomorrow he'll be in control of 1.1 million Bitcoin. Meanwhile, did Libra just get kicked out of Switzerland? Man, I know crypto moves fast, but the facebook honeymoon is already over? All this and more in today's exciting epsiode of Breaking Bitcoin. A new year and a new decade begins tomorrow. Just months until the next halving event for Bitcoin, and what a wild ride of a year it has been ladies and gentlemen
Hosted by Justin Wise
The Breaking Bitcoin Podcast delivers everything you need to know about the Cryptocurrency markets each day. Keep up with the latest Crypto news, fresh Bitcoin & Altcoin market updates, pro trader sentiment analysis, as well as how to have a true profitable traders mentality! Follow our host Justin Wise as he traverses these wild Cryptocurrency markets; providing daily concise lessons so you can learn how to trade Cryptocurrency profitably with his Pathways To Profit trading strategy!
Records live Monday - Friday at 12:00PM CST | 18:00 UTC
Full Show Notes With Time Stamps!
Crypto Comment Giveaway Winner: Computer tech Tutorials 0:07:22
Bitcoin Analysis & Live Trading: Intraday - 12/31/2019 0:08:13
Bitcoin Analysis & Live Trading: Weekly - 12/31/2019 0:26:58
CSW's is set to recieve the keys to 1m BTC? 0:35:43
The Swiss Honeymoon Over for Libra? 0:45:27
Chinese firm files for crypto ETF proposal 0:50:19
Justin answerrs Jonathan W "Does the weekly bear flag signals a dump?" 1:00:39
User Ken D asks "did you see the Friday close on Silver?" 1:09:29
MervinSkidmore asks "My TOMO trade went bad I'm down 30% do i stick it out or take the loss?" 1:15:45
Sign Off 1:23:28
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