Breaking Bitcoin (Video)

Bitcoin's once in a lifetime BUY Signal just activated! Crypto censorship on YouTube - MetaMask ban?
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The Bitcoin Nightmare Before Christmas! Did this signal just seal Bitcoin's fate?!
Good morning everybody! Bitcoin as you know has been in a 6-month downtrend, and just a few moments ago we seem to have experienced our first major breakout in quite a while as bullish sentiment was flooding the social media markets. Christmas is coming in just a few days and one year after the previous Market bottom nearly to the day, I'm sure everyone will be making fully rational decisions. What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to today's a exciting episode of Breaking Bitcoin!
Hosted by Justin Wise
The Live Breaking Bitcoin Podcast delivers everything you need to know about the Cryptocurrency markets each day. Keep up with the latest Crypto news, fresh Bitcoin & Altcoin market updates, pro trader sentiment analysis, as well as how to have a true profitable traders mentality! Follow our host Justin Wise as he traverses these wild Cryptocurrency markets; providing daily concise lessons so you can learn how to trade Cryptocurrency profitably with his Pathways To Profit trading strategy!
Records live Monday - Friday at 12:00PM CST | 18:00 UTC
Full Show Notes With Time Stamps!
Crypto Comment Giveaway Winner: John Famiglietti 0:06:54
Bitcoin Analysis & Live Trading - 12/23/2019 0:08:31
Ethereum Analysis and Strategy - 12/23/2019 0:46:31
China CBDC completes testing, Roll out pending 1:00:25
Where is all the fiat going? 1:05:39
BITMEX data shows IEO trend a failure for investors 1:17:19
ETH "Muir Glacier" Hard Fork approaching Jan 1 1:22:21
WAVES Analysis 0:49:17
How to control your emotions while trading 1:35:30
Justin's Question of the day: What is your plan for digital currency forced role out? 1:16:05
What indicator knowledge do you need to knokw to utilize them in trading? 1:54:55
Signoff 2:00:36
* Coygo
* Spectre Security C...