Breaking Bitcoin (Video)

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Bitcoin Episode V: The Bears Strike Back (These ARE the gains you're looking for.)
A long time ago in an orderbook far far away, the evil galactic federation of bulls sought to keep price above 7,000, but the valient efforts of the plucky bearish upstarts have helped swing the balance of power in the galactic orderbook in a new direc...
Bitcoin New Years Price Predictions - The Year of the Bull or the Ballad of the Bears?
As bitcoin's price contineus to swerve like the morning after a few new years eve bad decision, CME Futures takes the day off for the holiday. Happy New Years to everyone, but this year, this decade, will our cup runneth over with satoshis or will our...
Bitcoin New Year's Eve Epic Squeeze - The Battle for 2020! Satoshi's Bitcoin & Libra Controversy!
"The squeeze is on ladies and gentlemen, and the battle for Bitcoin 2020 begins. New Year's Eve, 2019. Following a $100 short squeeze to the upside, the new trend seems to have been determined. If Craigh Wright is to be believed,
Bitcoin's once in a lifetime BUY Signal just activated! Crypto censorship on YouTube - MetaMask ban?
Bitcoin's Hash Ribbons indicator just signaled a buy, for the first time since the bottom of the market in 2019, the very beginning of 2019. We're going to take at the charts, all of the possible discriminating factors that might signal against this,
Will Bitcoin give us a Christmas Miracle? Christmas Eve orderbook battle! Live Chart Requests!
Twas the Night Before Christmas ladies and gentlemen, and Crypto Traders around the world are looking at the charts, maybe looking at the presents under the Christmas tree, and asking themselves: will we get a Bitcoin bash? Or a Bitcoin bah humbug...?
The Bitcoin Nightmare Before Christmas! Did this signal just seal Bitcoin's fate?!
Good morning everybody! Bitcoin as you know has been in a 6-month downtrend, and just a few moments ago we seem to have experienced our first major breakout in quite a while as bullish sentiment was flooding the social media markets.
Is Bitcoin rebounding? Or are we in for a volatile holiday ride? US Congress drafting Crypto 2020 Act
Bitcoin walking around to the sideways in consolidation, coming off of the large pump to the upside leaving Traders wondering which direction to trade in, and making reversion to the mean traders some okay, very small percentages so far.
Should you be buying BTC at 7K? Top Bitfinex trader's massive loss, EU's 5AMLD, Binance censorship!
Well, here we are back at 7,000. If you would have to tuned out just a few days ago and came back, very similar to what we've seen many times in the charts, it's as if Bitcoin hasn't even moved. But here we are and many are asking themselves if the fur...
Did Bitcoin just bottom out? Potential exchange fraud on hitBTC, Lightning Network, EU's 5AMLD?
Did you see the size of that candle? Just take a moment to appreciate it; just take a moment to look at it. I want you guys to understand that it's often in these moments of the market, when Traders lose the most important thing.
Bitcoin carnage continues - is all hope lost for 2019? Are ETH whales and developers dumping their holdings?
The Bitcoin sell off continues, and the question on everyone's mind is, how low can she go? Well, unfortunately, she can go a whole lot lower. Make sure to watch today's video carefully as we will be detailing and explaining exactly how to protect yo...