Success Unscrambled Podcast

Success Unscrambled Podcast

The Ultimate Yearly Habit Tracker Printable to Skyrocket Your Success

February 13, 2022

Sarah’s new year got off to a slow start because she needed a yearly habit tracker printable.

You see Sarah knew that the key reason that she failed at achieving her goals is that she couldn’t track them visibly.

Like many entrepreneurs, Sarah had big plans for her life.

She wanted to develop a successful business that would support the dream lifestyle that she mapped out on her vision board.

Sarah started to doubt if vision boards, yearly plans and long term goals would really work for her.

Let me know if these sound familiar.

Like Sarah, you’re an entrepreneur with big dreams for your life too.

However, it feels as if you are part of that famous statistic that states 90% of startups fail in the first 3 years.

You believe that you’ve tried everything to become successful.

  1. SMART goal planning is a technique that you’ve used in the past
  2. You’ve started journaling as a way to track your doubts and fears
  3. Inspirational quotes keep you going each and every day
  4. Developing new habits is hard and you’re prepared to try them for 3 months

If only there was a way to finally make the progress and see the results that you are hoping for in your life and business this year.

In this post, you’ll learn the best-kept secrets of why some entrepreneurs seem to speed past everyone else in the pack.

You’ll also be able to get your hands on the best and simplest free printable habit trackers for entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur + StartUp Statistics

In case you’re wondering why it is important to track or develop habits as an entrepreneur let’s look at a few statistics.

According to Small Biz Genius, 46% of small business entrepreneurs are between the ages of 41 and 56.

On the flip side of that 20% of businesses fail in their first year.

Their research also showed that middle-aged men start the most successful businesses (come on ladies we can do this too).

The folks at FindStack said that 69% of US entrepreneurs started their businesses at home.

Did you know that only 50% of businesses will survive until their 5th year in business?

According to Statista, the main challenge faced by startups is generating new business.

This may surprise you but the number one reason why startups fail is that they misread market demand.

The 2nd largest reason why they fail is that they run out of funding and personal money.

Therefore it would make sense to develop and track habits that help you read market demand, generate new business and bring in more income.

Habit Statistics + Tips

How does one develop a new habit anyway?

Let’s spend some time looking at the reality of forming a new habit.

In his article about forming new habits, James Clear says that it takes an average of 66 days to develop a new habit.

Did you know that about 92% of people fail to keep their new year’s resolutions? This is according to the folks at Nik.

Also, 45% of our daily behaviours are automatic because our brain is constantly finding ways to conserve energy.

James Clear also talks about the ultimate productivity hack which is saying no. Why?

Because when you say no to a few things it means that you’re ultimately saying yes to other important options.

He also goes on to outline 3 simple questions to improve your productivity each day.

  1. What am I optimizing for?
  2. What’s the best small thing I can do right now?
  3. Did I do my best?

If you keep these questions top of mind during the day forming a new habit becomes a breeze.

Gary Keller in his book, The One Thing, outlines a clever energy plan for anyone who wants to be highly productive.

  • Mediate or pray for spiritual energy
  • Eat right, exercise, sleep sufficiently
  • Set goals, plan and put things in the calendar for mental energy
  • Time block your ‘One Thing’

Let’s face it you need a plan to execute those new daily habits.

N.B. You can use this to form new good habits and to get rid of bad habits too.

Setting Up a Habit Tracker

One of the secrets to setting up the perfect tracker is by looking at the end goal or vision.

This end goal or vision is the key motivating factor.

So, what’s the reason why you want to form or track your habits?

Maybe you want to lose weight to fit into a wedding dress or you want to wear a fancy swimsuit during the summer months.

Or you are hoping to purchase a house in 3 years so you want to save money each month.

With that in mind let’s look at a practical habit tracker.

First, let me introduce you to a yearly planner that’s created by one of my business coaches, you can grab your copy here.

It helps you develop realistic goals and helps you to prioritize all the important projects in your life.

Step 1 – Map your vision

The first step in the process is to write down your vision or overall plan for the year.

Think of it as a way to write down your big goal for the year.

It could be an emotional, physical, spiritual or financial goal.

If you’re not sure you can always leave that section until last.

Step 2 – Non-negotiables

When it comes to achieving big goals sometimes we can forget the most important people in our life.

In other words, if your goal is to become the number formula one driver in the world, which things in your life would not suffer?

What are you saying no to and yes to?

In my example, I’m not willing to work on Fridays and I want to ensure that I have time to exercise.

Step 3 – Big goals

This is the biggest step of the process, you’ll need to write down your specific goals for the year.

If you want your business to become the number one supermarket in the country then you’ll need to have smaller goals.

For example, hire the best staff, set up the best customer experience, create easy checkout facilities, etc.

Gather feedback and testimonials from customers then implement the changes.

In the image above you’ll see a list of my big goals.

Write down your big goals, assign them to the people who would work on them.

Add the main KPI (key performance indicator) that’ll indicate that your big goal is in progress.

The KPI will be an indication that there is activity around your goal.

Step 4 – Prioritise Projects

The key factor to help you achieve your big goals is implementing a way to prioritise projects.

In other words, you can use rankings to decide what you’ll work on first, second and third.

Notice how I’ve decided to score those projects on my list.

Feel free to rank your projects on a scale of 1 to 10 instead of 1 to 5 to make it easier.

Step 5 – Assign Priorities by Month

After scoring your projects it’s time to assign them to the appropriate month.

You’ll need to grab hold of each priority and drop them into the project planning monthly breakdown section.

Be sure to write down the first step to achieving each of those priorities.

Notice that the first step for me in reading the book “Brand Story” is to read the first chapter of the book.

You have no idea how much that helped me to get started.

Step 6 – List Your Habits

This is the step that you’ve been waiting for all through this exercise.

Now is the time for you to write the habits that you need to adopt in order to achieve your goals.

Back to the example of reading a book and taking action on the suggestions given in the book.

My daily or weekly habit will be to read one chapter each week.

Reading one chapter every week may seem like a very tiny habit.

Brand Story is a book that requires you to take action at the end of each chapter.

There is a lot of brainstorming and creating scripts for your business or brand.

Step 7 – Monthly Habit Tracker

Now that you have a list of habits that link back to your big goals it’s time to track them each week.

Click on the dashboard overview link so that you can see your printable weekly habit tracker.

If you completed all the previous steps you should see a habit tracker that looks like this one.

Notice that there are several empty boxes waiting for you to place a checkmark in each one.

You can decide to track a single habit or multiple habits at the same time.

The beauty of this resource is that it can be a daily habit tracker or a monthly tracker.

At this point, you’re probably wondering how on earth could this be a yearly habit tracker printable.

Hang on tight and I’ll show you how to print it out for the entire year.

On the top of the tracker you’ll see 3 dots (have you ever wondered why everything always has 3 dots?)