Success Unscrambled Podcast

Success Unscrambled Podcast

11 Reasons Why You Are Not Achieving Your Dreams

June 14, 2020

Childhood is the most blissful time of life for many people. As an adult, you look back at that time and wonder why you're not achieving your dreams.

In fact, you may remember many adults around you encouraging you to chase your dreams and find fulfilment.

Let me know if this sounds familiar.

As a child, you wanted to become a doctor, lawyer, nurse, eye specialist, teacher, fireman, footballer or some other profession but things didn't work out.

Your parents got you gifts frequently to help you move along the path to that profession.

The gifts included a blackboard and chalk or stethoscope or gavel or fireman outfit, dollhouse or a soccer ball or other significant item

Something happened along the way but that dream started fading during your years at school.

The truth is that it is not your fault at all. No one ever teaches any of us how to achieve our goals or to turn our dreams into reality as teenagers.

In this post, you will learn the 11 things that you are doing wrong when it comes to fulfilling your long term dreams.

Dreams vs Goals

As I am sat writing this blog post, I can think of several reasons why it is so easy to get all confused when it comes to the topic of dreams.

For the purposes of this exercise I am not referring to nightmares or random dreams that you have at night.

The focus here are those dreams as it relates to positive or progressive things that can transform your life.

I will not be diving into the world of manifestation or supernatural things or astrology.

Everything will be practical and down to earth and include everyday actions that anyone can do comfortably.

Dreams in this post, will be related to life goals.

11 Things You are Not Doing

There are so many reasons why you are not achieving your dreams yet despite having the best intentions.

Here's a list of the top 11 reasons why your dreams have not yet come true.

* Did not set goals* Goal not big enough* Unsure what's good for you* Not exercising skills or talent* You are not serious* In action* Stopped learning* Hiding from others* No collaborations* Have not hired a coach* Misaligned with God's will

Let's spend some time looking at each one of these individually to better understand how to turn things around.

1. Did Not Set Goals

In case you are new to this concept, it is often said that the first step to achieving your dreams is to write them down.

"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.”Greg Reid

As you can see this is not something I invented recently. It is a quote by Greg Reid encouraging us to turn our dreams into goals.

Let me tell you that it was one of the hardest lessons for me to understand because I thought the exercise of writing down dreams was absolutely pointless.

In fact, the main reason for this is that the first time I wrote down my dreams nothing happened or so I thought.

The reality is that I did not have a good coach the first time I wrote down my dreams.

2. Goal Not Big Enough

Do you like playing small? What I mean by that is the fact that instead of making a plan for a big dream ...