Success Unscrambled Podcast

Success Unscrambled Podcast

7 Ultimate Ways to Find Pinterest Keywords to Get Results [Includes Secret Hack]

May 24, 2020

You already know and understand the benefits of Pinterest keywords for your business.

In fact, you have been using Pinterest for some time now but you seem to be getting the same results no matter what you do.

Just recently you spotted another pin with someone who got 1 million Pinterest viewers to their account.

Could it be that they are in some way gaming the system? What are they doing differently that you don't know?

The truth is that Pinterest has an annoying habit of changing the algorithm every few months just to keep you on your toes.

If only there was a way for you to understand how to get more eyeballs on your pins every day.

In this post, you will learn how to diligently search for those elusive Pinterest keywords and how to use them on your Pinterest account.

Disclosure: Please note that this post may contain affiliate links which means that if you buy one of my recommended products I get paid a commission for sharing the link at no additional cost to you.  I only recommend products that I have tried myself and have experienced success.

What are Pinterest Keywords Anyway?

It is possible that you have only used Pinterest to search for delicious recipes, meal planning ideas and DIY crafts.

However, there is a whole business side of Pinterest where publishers like me use it to promote their content.

Because Pinterest is a visual search engine, the feed is driven by your preferences as well as search terms called keywords or search terms.

You can think of it as a visual version of the Google search engine except that it has a lot of pretty images.

So, when you search for meal planning ideas only those pins that have those terms or related ones on it will show up in the results for you.

If you are thinking about how Pinterest knows which pins to show first compared to all the others then I'll explain that later in this post.

In the meantime, let's look at some Pinterest analytics for a short while so that you will know why keywords are important.

What You Can Learn From Pinterest Analytics About Your Account

Before jumping in and looking at where to find the best juicy keywords for your content it is important to understand Pinterest metrics.

Here is a list of the main metrics that are important in your Pinterest business account.

* Impressions* Link clicks* Saves* Close-ups* Engagements

To ensure you understand what these mean let me give a solid explanation of each one of these metrics on the list.

1. Impressions

This means the number of times your pin was shown to users on the Pinterest platform.

There are two things that drive impressions, the first is Pinterest keywords and the next is the smart feed algorithm.

If your pins are not getting impressions it means that you need to improve the keywords on the pin.

To get more impressions all you need to do is include a bunch of keywords related to the content that users are searching for on the platform.

Remember that people use several different terms to describe the same thing all the time depending on culture and location.

2. Link Clicks

As the name suggests link clicks is the number of times users clicked on the pin link to view your content.