Success Unscrambled Podcast

Success Unscrambled Podcast

9 Ways to Get Motivated and Skyrocket Your Success

July 14, 2019

Are you looking for ways to get motivated to accomplish your goals? Have you found yourself in a rut lately?

This past week I saw a post in a bloggers group on Facebook where one blogger announced that he was shutting down all his blogs.

When I saw this I felt compelled to jump in and stop him from taking such drastic action.

It appears that his decision was financially motivated but I cannot conclude for sure since I did not have a direct conversation with him.

Have you ever felt like throwing in the towel and giving up on your blogging dreams? Maybe you questioned if it is even worth it in the end.

Many bloggers struggle with finding ways to get motivated to start a blog in the first place.

Others struggle with coming up with ideas to stay motivated so that they can continue blogging on a regular basis.

I was shocked this week to learn that having a fear of success is a real thing for many people but I will cover that in another post.

Finding and staying motivated is such a struggle for so many people that I want to share what I do to win on both fronts as well as a few secret hacks.

Disclaimer: Please note that this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you buy one of my recommended products I get paid a commission for sharing the link at no additional cost to you.  I only recommend products that I have tried myself and have experienced success.

What is Motivation and Why You Need It

Well, I never thought that I would need to define the term motivation. However, I think it is necessary after seeing the phrase, "where can I buy motivation" in a Google result.

According to Wikipedia, motivation is "the reason for people's actions, willingness and goals".

So, in simple terms, it is the reason why you or I do what we do every single day of our lives.

I never really saw motivation in such a simplistic way so I was at first really surprised at the simplicity of the definition.

The reason why you need motivation is that it helps you to get stuff done like waking up at a certain time every day.

Without it, you will not set goals for you or your loved ones. In fact, it is the only reason why you will lift a finger to do anything at all.

It is not possible to go into a shop to purchase motivation but you can certainly hire a coach to help you work on your mindset.

photo by Jose Silva

What are the Levels of Motivation

There are so many factors that motivate anyone to take action or achieve a goal so let's spend some time looking at motivators.

Depending on your age, your situation, resources you will take certain actions. I have always been so self-motivated that I find it strange explaining this concept.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

In order to fully understand motivation, we need to spend time looking at Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.

In 1943, Abraham Maslow wrote a paper entitled, A Theory of Human Motivation in which he classified the universal needs of society.

The study shows how humans intrinsically partake in behavioural motivation. He coined five categories as follows:

* Physiological* Safety* Belonging and love* Self-esteem* Self-actualisation