Brave Living

Brave Living

BL Episode 12: Anna LeBaron

November 15, 2018

Join me as I talk to Anna LeBaron, author of The Polygamist's Daughter. Anna is one of 50 siblings that grew up in a polygamist cult led by her father, Ervil LeBaron: known as the 'Mormon Manson.' Her father ordered the murders of multiple people, and unbeknownst to young Anna, had her family constantly running from the law. Anna lived in multiple places, often having to leave in the middle of the night, grabbing what little she could, just to survive. For years, Anna and her siblings had to scrounge for food and clothes; all the while being told that she was God's chosen family. At age 13, something inside broke, and Anna decided to leave. Before her mother could usher in yet another move, Anna put on her Gloria Vanderbilt jeans, and escaped her father's cult. For years, Anna lived in fear; but God took hold of Anna's life and transformed her from the inside out.

God had a plan for Anna, just like he has a plan for each of us. Anna's story is amazing and it has the fingerprints of God all over it. Even though we may not have lived the life Anna has, we can most certainly relate to childhood wounds, insecurity, and fears that inhibit our lives. Today Anna talks about how she was able to leave her past, drop her insecurity, and become the woman God planned all along. I believe today's conversation will encourage all of us to stop and notice how God is at work in our lives today.

You can find Anna's book on Amazon or anywhere books are sold. It is a riveting story that you most certainly don't want to miss! You can find Anna by going to her website or following her on social media. All the links are listed below.

I hope you find this story encouraging and it helps you to make brave choices. If you are enjoying this podcast, please rate and leave a review. The more reviews I get, the more people will find my podcast and enjoy the content as well. Also, if you or someone you know, has a story to share on my podcast, please reach out to me. My contact information is listed below. Thank you so much for listening to BraveLiving. This has been such a fun adventure and I feel blessed to bring these stories to you.

Anna LeBaron


  • Instagram: @annaklebaron

  • Facebook: @AnnaLeBaron

Braveliving with Patti Ziemke


  • Instagram: @braveliving_pz

  • Facebook: @braveliving.pz