Brandwidth® Big Ideas on Small Business Marketing

Brandwidth® Big Ideas on Small Business Marketing

Much Ado About Marketing Funnels

October 21, 2024

What’s the deal with marketing funnels? We hear the term everywhere, but what actually is a marketing funnel? Does it have a place in a sophisticated marketing machine or should it be left to marketing bros and youtubers. Join Dean and Sam as they unpack, unravel, and dejargon the world of the marketing funnel and get the scoop on:

  • Consumer buying funnels vs. marketing funnels -What about value ladders, are they funnels too?

  • How AIDA fits into the equation

  • Real-world examples from Apple and McDonald’s to show you how funnels (and fries) really work

Get ready to level up your marketing knowledge with a fun, insightful convo. Tune in now and join the debate!

#MarketingFunnels #Advertising #BrandStrategy #ValueLadder

TimestampSummary0:27Debating the Relevance and Complexity of Marketing Funnels10:09McDonald’s Marketing Strategy: Low-Cost Burgers, High-Profit Fries and Drinks11:02Funnels and Value Ladders in Marketing Strategies18:30The Debate on Marketing’s Role in Demand Creation22:53Consumer Loyalty and Fast Food Choices23:20Debating Marketing Funnels and Value Ladders in Modern Advertising