Brain Fuzz

Brain Fuzz

Art World Navigation With Tim Schrager (Part 1) | Episode 58

January 19, 2020

Art collector and arts benefactor Tim Schrager joins Joe and Matthew for a two-part conversation during their residency at The Temporary Art Center.

They reflect on The Temporary Art Center and his role in it. (If you’re looking to throw a pop-up show, you could build a list of lessons learned from this by the way.) Spoiler alert: Each pop-up offers it’s own challenges.

Gallery relationships, art that got away, and the life of a collection are all topics. Odd studio experiences are shared. Big names are named. A Brain Fuzz cliffhanger is employed.

(Un)required Resources For Episode 58

* Stuart Horodner At The Temporary Art Center, Brain Fuzz Podcast Episode 52* Brian Alfred* Rachel Harrison at Greene Naftali* Rachel Harrison Life Hack at The Whitney* Tom Sachs