Bradley Hughes Golf Podcast

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Bradley Hughes Golf- The Divot Relief Saga
It seems every few weeks the same old question about why golfers have to play from a divot rears its head. It is such an old, tired topic. I went inside some social media posts about it and joined the
Bradley Hughes Golf Podcast- Will Wears
What is it like to grow up in the golfing world with Arnold Palmer as your grandfather? One of my students- Will Wears- joins us in this episode to tell us exactly what he learned from his grandfathe
Bradley Hughes Golf Podcast- John Erickson 2
In our second podcast together John Erickson and I discuss the merits behind the swing principles we instill in our students and we have a very interesting discussion about equipment and how golf club
Bradley Hughes Golf Podcast- Rick Fehr
Rick Fehr was a standout amateur golfer winning leading amateur honors at The Masters and the US Open before going onto a PGA Tour career spanning two victories and 17 seasons on Tour. He now instruct
Bradley Hughes Golf- Ward Jarvis
Ward Jarvis and myself are part of Team Todd. I as Brendons swing coach and Ward has been instrumental in helping clear the mechanism to result in better visuals and better shots. This is one of my f
Bradley Hughes Golf- John Craig
John Craig Executive Vice President of Tour Edge Golf joins me in this episode. John provides fascinating context into how equipment companies fine tune product to suit professionals such as Bernhard
Bradley Hughes Golf- Mike Hicks
Mike Hicks has been on the professional tour for over 40 years- has 3 Major Championship victories under his belt and was part of one of the most memorable conclusions to a US Open in history. In this
Bradley Hughes Golf- Mark Lye
Mark Lye has done just about everything there is to do in golfing circles. Player. Commentator, Radio Host Plus he starred in the Happy Gilmore movie and was in a band with other golfers Peter Jacobse
Bradley Hughes Golf Podcast- John Erickson
John Erickson is without doubt the most influential person in my golf teaching career. I had known John from my playing days in Australia, but it wasnt until 17 years later when I began to teach golf
Bradley Hughes Golf Podcast- Mark Anguiano
For every PGA Tour player who successfully make it on Tour there are 100 more who are toiling in the background on mini tours honing their skills to be ready to pounce when their opportunity comes. It