
Latest Episodes
Episode 42: Touching Cancer with Bowen
"Every client teaches me something new about resilience and the human spirit.
Episode 41 – Alice’s Secret Sauce
In this episode, were delighted to shine a spotlight on Alice Eldred, a highly regarded Bowen therapist from the stunning region of Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Alice has built a thriving practice, help
Episode 40: Russell Sturgess – healing journeyman
A Search for Self In this fascinating episode, we dive into the transformative teachings of Russell Sturgessauthor, coach, and the founder of Fascial Kinetics. Russells journey combines multiple hea
Episode 39: Marketing your Bowen Business
Connecting with Mums Katrina McCarter, award winning author, speaker and entrepreneur gives us the gems on marketing to mums, the exact people many Bowen therapists would like to speak to, connect wit
Episode 38: Research is not a scary word!
how research capacity building supports better marketing and promotion and future integration of Bowen Therapy In this episode we hear from Barbara Beacham talking about the new initiative of the for
Episode 37: A Chat with Christos
Travelling with Bowen Therapy Christos Miliankos is a Bowen Therapist, Trainer and Naturopath from North-East Victoria Australia. He has been practicing Bowen Therapy, Integrated Iridology, Herbal Med
Episode 36: Meet David Wharton
Bowen Therapy and Sport David is a athlete and Bowen therapist who has a reputation with the sporting community in Townsville, North Queensland. David shares some of his secret sauce on treating run
Episode 35: TRE with Richmond Heath
A wonderful conversation with Richmond all about TRE (Trauma Release Exercises), bringing understanding to some of the phenomenon we see or feel during a Bowen session. Richmond a Holistic Physiother
Episode 34 – Making Healthy Babies – before conception
Doreen Schwegler is a medical scientist, naturopath and Bowen therapist from Melbourne in Australia practicing for over 30 years. She works with people in all areas of their health and particularly wi
Episode 33 – John Wilks – Insights on Bowen
I describe John Wilks as a heavy hitter in the Bowen Therapy world, meaning he has been and remains an influential figure, teacher and publisher over the past 25 years. John Wilks needs little intro