Bootstrapping Saas

Bootstrapping Saas

Latest Episodes

A quick recap since my last solo episode
November 12, 2022

A quick recap of what has happened since my last solo episode, about 13 months ago, on October 7, 2021.

Saas business lessons with Michele Hansen
March 21, 2022

Sat down with Michele to talk about Geocodio, Saas lessons, luck, switching gears, and more.

Challenges founders face with Stefan Manku
March 14, 2022

Stefan Manku is a founder whisperer. He has the ability to help founders guide themselves. We sat down to talk about various challenges founders face based on Stefan's continuous work with other found

SEO & Content Talk with Dominic Kent
March 07, 2022

Dominic talks about the unorthodox ways of researching keywords and how to decide what to write about next.

with Spencer Jones: indiehacking, parenting, big startup jobs...
February 16, 2022

Indiehacking vs working at big Startups, marketing vs product, rebranding, and what it's like to make products while raising a family.

with Brian Casel — "How far we can push with marketing until we notice the pull"
February 08, 2022

I sit down with Brian to talk about his new product ZipMessage, picking fights with the Goliath, Saas lessons from his journey, marketing, selling, business operations...