BoomerLife (dot) Live

BoomerLife (dot) Live

Latest Episodes

BoomerLife (dot) Live: 2020 #1 (and a bit of CES)!
January 21, 2020

Hello again! Welcome! (and apologies for being away sooooooooo long).CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2020: THE event of the year re: all things technical (even some you'd NEVER think of!) ... but that's a topic for another podcast. This episode

BoomerLife (dot) Live: Interview w/ Apple's Siri
September 17, 2019

3rd in a series of interviews w/ AI "Assistants", this podcast is an interview w/ Siri. Enjoy! (Next planned interview is with Microsoft's Cortana. Be sure to return for that later this week!)

BoomerLife (dot) Live: Inteview w/ Google Assistant
September 04, 2019

Second in a series, this AI interview is with Google's Assistant. Compare  to the last episode: the interview with Amazon's Alexa!

BoomerLife (dot) Live: Interview w/Amazon Echo (Alexa)
August 16, 2019

This is the first in a series of interviews with the most well known AI Assistants. This episode is an interview with Alexa. Coming soon are interviews with: Apple's Siri, Google's Assistant, Microsoft's Cortana, and (possibly) Samsung&apos

BoomerLife (dot) Live: Today's Topics Are ...
July 16, 2019

How  many people work for Amazon? And, what IS digital literacy and why do I need to learn it?

BoomerLife (dot) Live: Apple's Doing WHAT?!
June 07, 2019

Highlights of the Keynote presentation made by Apple during the opening of it's 2019 WorldWide Developers Conference (WWDC). Upcoming podcast episodes will dive deeper into the WWDC and present high-level  summaries of upcoming OS product features.

BoomerLife (dot) Live: There's a (NEW) Echo in the Room!
June 01, 2019

Brief about Amazon's newest Echo and a preview of sorts re Apple's upcoming WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference) with a promise to follow-up next week w/ highlights from aforementioned WWDC.

BoomerLife (dot) Live: Finally Back!
May 24, 2019

Not a moment too soon! After a hiatus of sorts (what sort, you ask?) ... Back w/ a statement of purpose and a nod to voice input (vs. keyboard) ... and a promise to publish more frequently!Remember to write: Your suggestions, reco

BoomerLife (dot) Live: "A" is for ...
April 03, 2019

A bit different than usual, this episode introduces a supercomputer and explores some interesting  aspects of it ... it can perform HOW MANY calculation per second???

BoomerLife dot Live: What ELSE can your smart device do for you??
March 15, 2019

Many of us have, or are considering, getting a Smart Phone (smart device). Those of us who already use one might be surprised to learn that we generally use ONLY 10% of the device's capabilities! This episode of BoomerLife dot Live talks about categories
