Bri Books

Bri Books

8 Garden-Starting Hacks to Get You Growing

March 27, 2022

Welcome back to Bri Books. If you’re new to the show, leave a review of Bri Books on Apple Podcasts, and listen to Bri Books on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud! Please tell me what you're sipping by using #bribooks on Instagram, and subscribe to the Bri Books newsletter at Follow @theBriGarden on Instagram for garden tours, growing hacks, and gardening secrets. In this episode, I’m sharing my garden starter hacks, including a gardening method I created myself! This method has taken my gardening and succession planting to the next level when it comes to growing my own food. Follow @theBriGarden on Instagram for garden tours, growing hacks, and gardening secrets. I call this my "theBriGarden Breakfast Gardening Method." I created and coined it myself for @theBriGarden. It revolves around repurposing food waste to create a food bounty. Who would've thought breakfast is so ripe for gardening!? 3:45 - Hack #1: Reuse egg water! Hard-bouled eggs release a trace amount of calcium into the water, and calcium is a mineral all plants need. It’s a great idea to use hard-boiled egg water for your plants. Plants can benefit from calcium boost in hard-boiled egg water 4:15 - Hack #2: Eggshell planters! If you take your eggshells and break out the top, leaving ¾ of eggshell intact, that’s a great container for starting seeds. You can begin so many seeds in eggshells, which are rich in calcium. Using eggshells whole can help recycle your breakfast food scraps.  5:00 - Hack #3: Eggshell fertilizer! Crushed eggshells are a great way to inject calcium into your garden and help deter slugs and garden pests. I created a fun TikTok of how to use eggshells in your garden. 5:40 - Hack #4: Coffee! Put your used coffee grounds in the soil to boost nitrogen in the soil and provide an acidity boost. It's the next best thing to organic fertilizer. Make sure you grind it up very fine so that the plants can receive the nutrients.  6:30 - Hack #5: Sprinkle of cinnamon! Cinnamon helps to fight off bacteria and fungus that causes damping, a disease that waterlogs the stem of the plant and stalls out the seedlings before they can grow. Cinnamon helps to deter this disease, so add a tiny pinch to your potting soil to keep your seedlings growing strong. 7:30 - Hack #6: Egg cartons! Use egg cartons as seed starters to start seeds indoors on a regular basis. If a dozen eggs run out in 2 weeks in your house, that’s enough time to get another succession planting round going in that empty carton without having to buy any supplies. Fill the empty eggshells with soil, plant a seed inside it, and place the seeded eggshell the egg carton on a window sill.  8:00 - Hack #7: Fruit boxes! Containers that your produce comes in is great to reuse as transplant containers. Before the seeds go into container gardens or into the ground, use these fruit boxes to help your plants mature is a great way to make your morning fruit snacking pay off. 8:55 - Hack #8: Coffee filters! Re-use coffee filters to line the bottoms of your pots and containers. Voila, leak-free gardening! Want to see the garden in action? Follow @theBriGarden on Instagram for garden tours, growing hacks, and gardening secrets for first-time growers.   Leave a review of Bri Books on Apple Podcasts, and listen to Bri Books on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud! Please tell me what you're sipping by using #bribooks on Instagram, and subscribe to the Bri Books newsletter at Follow @theBriGarden on Instagram for garden tours, growing hacks, and gardening secrets.