Bri Books

Bri Books

2.8: Transformational Reading

February 23, 2017

I recorded this episode while vacationing in Bali (!!),in between surfing lesson and a delicious authentic Balinese dinner. While there, I broke down my “Transformational Reading” reading list, and what’s helping me be more strategic and get better quality reading time. I want to make my reading as intentional as possible--reading for transformation, not just information. So each quarter I’m reading a transformative  book to develop a working knowledge of different topics. 2:25: Q1: “The Ultimate Small Business” My goal is, if I watch or engage with anything small business-related, I’m not hung up on the vocabulary and technicalities--this book will help me gain a certain fluency (or at least comfort hearing the language) of business. 3:30: A bit of my briCandles founder’s story: What started as creative personalized gifts (my candles) has become an online shop, with nowhere to go but up! 4:42: I partnered with friend and founder of “Gabby’s Nice Things” lotion to sell candle and lotion combo boxes for Christmas. We did an extraordinary job, and the process alone was so eye-opening. I want to make sure that at every turn, I’m learning and getting my hands on transformational new information. 5:30 Q2: “The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens.” I learned about this book from the Think and Grow Chick Courtney Sanders. She has amazing resources when it comes to understanding money and how to make it work for you. 6:15 Why I’m buying book for cousins: I want to understand how to build knowledge of wealth, how to create value and create wealth and it’s something I want to pass on to my cousins/ next generation. 7:50: Q3: “How to Cook Everything” by Mark Bittman. I’m excited to learn the basics of how to make good food.I want to understand the basic art and science behind feeding myself and feeding others. Excited to read it this summer with my CSA! 9:08: Q4: “Effective Project Management.” This book was thrifted to me by someone who had just completed their MBA.  I’m becoming the best team member I can be and the best leader I can be. Recap: Q1: “The Ultimate Small Business Guide” Q2: “The Motley Fool’s Guide to Investing” Q3:  “How To Cook Everything” Q4:  “Effective Project Management”