Bri Books

Bri Books

2.4: Getting My 2017 Goal Setting Weight Up!

January 03, 2017

Resolutions and goals and action items, oh my! Past goal-setting episode - “There Are 83 Days Left in 2016” Happy New Year! I hope you’re coming off of the high of a well-rested holiday. There’s so much energy in the air at the end of the year, and I love to use that time to set goals. I did an episode all about the process back in October 2016, but here’s a more drilled-down version of goal-setting, just in time for the New Year. So, let’s dig into how to get our goal-setting “weight up” in 2017. Show Notes 0:40 - There’s something intoxicating about the end of the year. Because there’s so much energy in the air we feel invigorated, but we want to set goals that will invigorate month over month. 2:00 - I did a podcast in October titled ‘There Are 83 Days Left in 2016’ 2:20 - Why quarterly and monthly goal-setting keeps everything in perspective for me 3:05 - #1, in goal-setting: Take an assessment (a la Myleik Teele’s podcast). Critically ask, where am I? What worked and what didn’t? What did I try? I call this my “remix.” 3:45 - #2, treat yo self! What did you accomplish and what are you grateful for? For me, in 2016, I collected a lot of great feedback on this podcast,and completed the first season and started work on the 2nd season, all while doing a rebranding! I kept up with volunteering with Junket NYC (mentorship program), NYABJ. I committed to serving with my church. I got my candle shop up and running! 5:00 - #3, set a mantra for the time period. Because I have quarterly goals and annual goals, the mantra/ words I live by. Those words are ‘DOMAIN EXPERTISE.’ I’m striving to be someone who’s an expert in my space, and knows my role and contribution deeply. 5:50 - #4, create goal areas! Self care learning, home, health, bri books, finances, professional, friends and family, spiritual, personal, service, bricandles, fun adventure, reading 6:00 - Good goal areas to start off with, and go from there! 6:15 - Brionna’s 13 goal areas. I make my weekly and monthly to-do lists, I focus on action-based tasks that can move the needle across my goal areas, or at least give me more information to make a more informed decision.   Tell me how you set goals--what are your goals for 2017? Do you do vision boards? prayers/ devotionals? What do you do and use to keep yourself accountable? Show me your vision boards, goal lists, and boss moves on Twitter, on Instagram and Facebook as @bribookspod using #BriBooks on Instagram and Twitter! I hope this demystified goal setting for you. Of course, I need to know what you’re reading and looking forward to in 2017! I hope this demystified goal setting for you. Of course, I need to know what you’re reading and looking forward to in 2017!