Bri Books

Bri Books

Ep. 2.1 What Oprah (and Brionna) Know For Sure

December 07, 2016

I found Oprah Winfrey’s “What I Know for Sure” while working at The Meredith Vieira Show at NBC Entertainment. I’ve been an Oprah fan for as long as I can remember—her Legend’s Ball special is still one of my all-time favorite pieces of television. “What I Know for Sure” is a collection of life lessons Oprah has gleaned over the years. In the episode, I share my favorite parts from the book, and the 7 things I know for sure, as I approach my 26th birthday.

What’s endured the most about Oprah’s legacy beyond her net worth and empire, is how she makes her audience feel. Her community has a true heartbeat—a group of people who hang on her every word, and would set their clocks by her show every day. One of my chores growing up was recording the Oprah Winfrey Show on the VCR after school! VCR tapes haphazardly labeled with dates and episode names fill the TV cabinet of my memory.

In the episode, I share my favorite parts from the book, and the 7 things I know for sure, as I approach my 26th birthday.

On the heels of Founder and CEO of curlBox Myleik Teele’s podcast episode titled “Now That I’m 30+, What I Know For Sure,” I’ve put together a list of 7 without-a-doubt facts I’ve discovered in this young life. Here’s what Brionna knows for sure.

1. I’m 25, and I need to be gentle with myself and my process.
2. Money will come—don’t chase it!
3. Things will change, no matter what. What stresses me today won’t stress me in a year—things CHANGE.
4. I need to take care of this body—that means getting in shape body and soul.
5. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect for me to make a choice—done is better than perfect!
6. I need a change of scenery! Travel is necessary for my health.
7. I’m too smart to be the only thing in my way.

Link to Myleik’s “Now that I’m 30+, what I know for sure” podcast episode: