Authoring Onward

Authoring Onward

Episode 146: Finding your creative voice with Paul Attaway

July 22, 2022

This week on Authoring Onward, I chat with Paul Attaway about finding that creative voice within, whether it’s finding the initial inspiration to write or breaking writer’s block as you go forward. Have a listen!

About Paul:

Paul was born and raised in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Paul and his wife, Lyn, met in college at Georgetown University and were married after Paul graduated from the University of Georgia School of Law. They moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1988 where Paul embarked on a thirty-year business career before retiring so he could write fiction. Paul and Lyn raised three children together in Phoenix but now call Charleston, South Carolina their home.

Paul’s Website

More announcements:

Check out our Midsummer Anthology Kickstarter (featuring flip-flop duologies of the books), launching soon!

Did you miss out on the Kidlit Creators 2.0 Superstack back in spring? It’s back for a limited time!

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