Marketing The Invisible

Marketing The Invisible

How to Move Away from the Launch Model and Make Your Business Open Every Day – In Just 7 Minutes with Ross O'Lochlainn

October 24, 2024

Why you've got to check out today's episode:

  • Learn to move away from traditional, high-pressure launch models to a more consistent and reliable marketing approach.
  • Gain insights into conversion engineering and how to apply systematic processes to marketing.
  • Discover how to utilize Dean Jackson’s nine-word email to re-engage with leads to help you see immediate improvements in your marketing efforts.



Is your business stuck in the rollercoaster cycle of unpredictable launches? The high-pressure, complex campaigns can leave you exhausted and disappointed with inconsistent results. But you can transition to a model where your business has steady growth and consistent client engagement.

Ross O'Lochlainn is a former engineer-turned-marketing strategist who runs Conversion Engineering, a company that helps educate entrepreneurs to sell more programs without relying on the launch model through his proprietary Open Every Day System.

In this episode, Ross shares insights on transitioning from the traditional launch model to a more consistent business approach. He highlights the drawbacks of relying heavily on infrequent, high-pressure launches, such as their decreasing effectiveness and the unpredictability of results. Instead, he advocates for a strategy that keeps your business "open every day," allowing for ongoing client engagement and conversion opportunities throughout the year. 

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 02:42 - Ross's ideal client: Someone who's in the online education expert, wisdom space. 
  • 03:16 - The problem he helps to solve: They're over reliant on the launch model and they kind of bought into the launch model without realizing all the downsides to it. 
  • 05:16 - Symptoms of the problem: Conversion rates in your launch are going down.
  • 05:47 - Mistakes his clients make before reaching out to him: Trying to just convert people in this week-long window and then not selling you your philosophy or your ideas the rest of the year.
  • 07:13 - Ross's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Dean Jackson and his nine-word email. 
  • 08:53 - His Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: FREE: Get the exact Offer Doc template that’s sold over $1.37mil of premium offers without launches (or sales calls). click here:
  • 09:55 - Q: Have I always been this changer? A: Yes, I have to.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“There's an awful lot more that people could be getting out of their leads if they were just playing the longer game, building the case to work with them.” - Ross O'Lochlainn