Marketing The Invisible

Marketing The Invisible

How to Use Podcast Guest Interviews to Hit Your Sales Targets – In Just 7 Minutes with Viv Guy

June 06, 2024

Why you've got to check out today's episode:

  • Find out how to get quality leads other than creating content on social media
  • Understand why you should stop hopping from one platform to another; instead, invest in real connections
  • Learn how podcast guesting create connections and provide opportunities for more quality leads


  • Are you ready to implement changes in your business? Hop on a conversation with Viv here:


Already feeling burnt out with social media with no one engaging with the volume of content you are producing? Much less getting quality leads?

Spending your time hopping from one platform to another with no result is just wasting your time.

Viv Guy is an online sales growth expert, serial entrepreneur, and host of a #1 Marketing Podcast. She teaches business owners how to hit their sales targets and make more money every month with her Profitable Podcast Method whilst saving them time and energy in the process.

Hear Viv out and learn how to connect and have conversation with people who already have your audience. Nurture relationships and that's when you open up opportunities.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:39 - Viv's ideal client: I work with service-based business owners, so think of course creators, coaches, consultants, the likes.
  • 01:54 - The problem she helps her clients solve: I help people who've got an income plateau or seen a decline in sales and who are feeling really burnt out with social media. 
  • 02:37 - Symptoms her clients face before turning to her: Content that you're creating, maybe social media is not getting much engagement and slow audience growth.
  • 04:09 - Mistakes her client makes before reaching out: Adding more platforms, adding to that burnout.
  • 05:52 - Viv's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Just stop creating volumes and volumes of content. Start creating connections.
  • 07:29 - Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Hop on a call and get away with so much from a conversation with Viv:
  • 08:10 - Viv's actionable message: If you are really struggling to hit the right people, the thing that you need to go to before you put any strategy in place is messaging.

Tweetable Takeaway from this Episode:

"Go where your people already are and have those conversations, it opens up so many more opportunities for you." - Viv Guy