Marketing The Invisible

Marketing The Invisible

How to Predictably Grow your Company with a Sales Operating System – In Just 7 Minutes with Liz Heiman

May 09, 2024

Why you've got to check out today's episode:

  • Discover the strategies to achieve consistent and controllable sales, empowering you to scale and broaden your business.
  • Learn how to effectively oversee and evaluate your sales funnel alongside your team.
  • Uncover an efficient sales process tailored to your business, enabling you to gain insights into every step of the journey.



Are you struggling with unpredictable sales and cash flow issues, or finding it challenging to get a handle on how things are running?

It seems like your system may be in chaos, which could be impacting your business's potential to soar. It might be time to fix things and get on track for success!

Liz Heiman is the Sales Operating System Architect and the founder of Regarding Sales. She guides leaders from what’s often a random and chaotic sales process to a systematic and sustainable strategy that fills their prospect pipeline week in and week out.

Listen to Liz as she shares how to implement a sales process that effectively addresses chaos, rather than simply putting a CRM bandaid on top of it, which could potentially worsen the situation.

Check out these episode highlights:

02:26 - Liz's ideal client: I like working with companies that are between like 25 and a hundred million who are changing their go-to market strategies.

03:09 - The problem she helps solve: I take the chaos out of sales so that they have a system that is predictable and manageable so they can grow or scale.

04:24 - Symptom of the problem: One is that feeling that this is chaos. The second is that projection forecasts are completely unpredictable.

05:20 - Mistakes clients often make: That you can just keep doing the same thing for 10, 20, or 30 years.

06:41 - Liz's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Start doing funnel reviews with your team.

07:25 - Liz's Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Download the Sales Operating Guide here:

08:08 - Q: How did I get here? A: I got to this point of creating this system because I started with systems and processes and then watched it grow and grow. 

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“You have to change with the market. You have to change with the technology.” - Liz Heiman