

115. PRIDE & INTEGRITY with Glitz Glam

June 05, 2023

Happy PRIDE Month! This episode GLITZ GLAM (San Diego Legendary Drag Queen, Church of Glam, GGTV Podcast, Activist, Philanthropist) Things kick off with Anthony's recount of his recent delightful experiences hosting Black Tie Bingo for the Shoreline Community Service Pacific Beach and viewing the SDSU production of Cabaret. A TIPSY about "Integrity in public personas" and Alex's YAI YAI-ism about promises. Anhony, Alex and Glitz get into a very candid talk about the social temperature and legislation around their profession as a drag queen. Alex has some questions about approach when managing feelings around pronouns. Glitz is also a Senior Manager at the world famous Urban Mo's Bar and Grill and discusses how to they handle hospitality in a space that is LGBTQ+ focused. G.G. also let's us in on the origins of GGTV podcast and his CHURCH OF GLAM and their vision forward.

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