David Boles: Human Meme

David Boles: Human Meme

Latest Episodes

Danger of Editing a Twitter Blue Tweet
October 11, 2022

Beware of replying to those with Twitter Blue!

NYU Betrays Its Faculty by Surrendering to Student Terrorism
October 04, 2022

NYU failed to support its faculty over student threats to the integrity of the system.

How Far We've Fallen
September 29, 2022

In light of the fall of Roe; the fall of intellectualism in grief is worse.

A Memory of Saul Kripke
September 19, 2022

Saul Kripke, of Omaha, and of belonging to the world, is dead.

Doctors Who Quiet Quit
September 15, 2022

Quiet Quitting is all over the news today.

A Walk Back into the Murder of Wendy Hile
September 06, 2022

A murder lasts forever.

American Origami: The Archeology of Murdered Children
September 06, 2022

We live in a time when the murder of children is ordinary and accepted.

Who Owns a Suicide?
September 06, 2022

When a person ends their life, does the context of survivor grief matter?

A Memory of Eric Bentley
September 06, 2022

Eric Bentley was a master of the live stage.

Of Knowledge, Not Technique
September 06, 2022

The university is a place for ideas, not for skills.