Body of Soul // Wellness + Spirituality

Body of Soul // Wellness + Spirituality

Latest Episodes

18 // How To Gain Clarity and Achieve What You Really Want, with Mindset Expert Daria Tsvenger
January 22, 2020

Are you feeling stuck? Maybe you have a grand vision of what you want to bring into this world, but you are caught in self-limiting beliefs and paralysed by fear. Or, you have no idea what you actually want in life and you can’t stop asking the questi

17 // Women's Nutrition & Hormone Health, with Nimisha of MoonCycle Nutrition
January 12, 2020

Every woman goes through a unique series of hormonal, physical, and emotional changes in her lifetime. Sometimes that includes wild mood swings, random weight gain, intense cravings for chocolate, and all of the lovely symptoms of PMS! Thankfully the anc

16 // Conscious Sexuality & Energetic Lovemaking, with Bibi Brzozka
November 07, 2019

What if I were to tell you that having SEX, can unlock your super powers? That CONSCIOUS SEX can lead to more creativity, fulfilment, bliss, self-awareness, intuition, and surrender in all areas of your life? Sexuality is one of the most potent energies

15 // From Fitness Obsessed to Finding Mind-Body Balance, with Ayurvedic Coach Amanda
October 29, 2019

"No pain, no gain". “No days off”. “I am SO sore... that must have been an awesome workout”. So many of us have fallen into the belief that the more we hit the gym, the more miles we run, the more calories we burn, the more we push our body, the better.

14 // 9 Ways to Overcome Depression & Revive Your Mental Health
October 17, 2019

Living with depression, anxiety, or stress is hard, no matter what symptoms you are experiencing. Lack of motivation for life, check. Fatigue and insomnia, check. Bad eating habits (like eating way too much chocolate), check. Can't get yourself out of be

13 // How to Balance Your Mind and Body with Ayurveda
June 30, 2019

Having a hard time falling asleep at night? Can't seem to digest your meals even though you're eating "healthy"? Constantly overwhelmed with endless thoughts? Any mental or physical health symptom serves as a message that one (or a few) of the doshas are

12 // All About Ayurveda & The Three Doshas
June 17, 2019

Ayurveda is so much more than eating certain foods, adding tons of herbs to your diet, or massaging yourself with oil. Ayurveda is the world longest standing health system in the world, rooting from Ancient India over 5,000 years ago. It is also referred

11 // Past Lives and Infinite Universes, with Quantum Healing Hypnotist Angie Sanchez
May 31, 2019

Time and space are constructs created by us humans. So if time and space don’t actually exist, how many variations to this existence are there really? Is your higher self accessing many different bodies, other from the one you are familiar with in the p

10 // My Ayahuasca Journey: Ancestral Trauma and Integrating Spiritual Experiences (Part 2)
May 16, 2019

The weekend after quitting my job, I went on a journey with the sacred plant medicine, Ayahuasca. Going into ceremony, I was a bit fearful to potentially face my darkest shadows, dig through deep family trauma and old wounds, and possibly dissolve my eg

09 // Quitting My Job and Drinking Ayahuasca (Part 1)
May 07, 2019

Are you thinking about leaving your job and living life on your OWN terms? Are you craving work that feels aligned with your SOUL and personal mission? Are you fearful of what the Soul is capable of creating in this human experience? After receiving many
