Board Game Impact

Board Game Impact

Episode 44 – Bias and Board Game Reviewers

November 04, 2020

This episode is a little different, as Bruce will share there has been some life things that popped up which threw off recording schedule. This being said, Bruce was able to make some new content and post it to the Board Game Impact YouTube Channel. In this episode Bruce shares what has been going on, the inspiration for the video, and the introduces the audio of the video content which has been very popular on the YouTube Channel. This is not the norm for the channel, but Bruce felt this is still a great way to get you some podcast content while acknowledging that there has been some life that has come up...alas the narrative of 2020. Thanks for understanding, and we hope you enjoy!

Specific Game Discussed:

* Tell Stones (Riot Games)

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Audio Transcript (Generated by AI)

00:00:11 - 00:05:05

In today's episode of boardgame impact Bruce is off talk about bias in reviewing. So stay tuned. Howdy everybody. It's Bruce with board game impact and in this episode. It's going to be a little different. It's just me and that's wonderful. But Josh is sorely missed of course and so this is your first time tuning into board game impact where podcast in which we are bringing our educational ends is both Josh and I work full time in higher education. I also teach a couple of classes adjoining my PhD and so what we do is we take those educational lenses and apply them to the games and gaming experiences that we're playing and getting to enjoy some time and apply that to your benefit and your gaming groups benefit so you can make informed choices. And so that sounds like something of interest to you make sure to hit subscribe but that being said today is going to be a little different in that if you are listening to this live you might be wondering. Hey, I I think we're a week behind where was the content and but if you're listening to us in the future dead there was a week Gap and so what's going on in being fully transparent with everybody is Josh had his wedding anniversary and then we were supposed to record but then I actually got a pretty sick -4 That Russell looking forward to our semesters ending so we have even more freedom but that being said in these like different times and not really knowing when families going to need different things. There's a couple of moments in which I got pretty just inspired by some conversations. I was seeing online and I thought it was a perfect opportunity to do something different that I haven't done before off and that was combined the kind of work and kind of lenses. I know that sounds interesting based on the intro just did but really take like let's go to the library and let's look stuff up and let's scripts something out and let's do an educational lesson from like my teaching side of things something. I hadn't really considered before cuz there's no content that looks like that and I did it and I put it out there to the world and immediately. I got some really good feedback and I'm not going to go through like what inspired it because you're going to hear that in a second job. Is what this episode is today, is it is that first video? So this one's going to be on what's called epistemology. So what is knowledge and unpacking that as well as a little bit about value off. But the reason I did this I will tell you that and I'm going to talk about it more in the upcoming minutes here in a second.