Blue Streak Science Podcast

Blue Streak Science Podcast

Interview: Sharon Stiteler of the Birdchick Podcast

May 13, 2016

Sharon Stiteler is living the dream. She's getting paid to do what she loves. Birding. She travels the world as a birding field trip guide. She's also a birding consultant, keynote speaker, and a bird bander. She has written several books including "1,001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know". Sharon is #32 on the "Geek-a-Week" trading card set! In the birdbath with Sharon Stiteler You'd think that Sharon wouldn't have time for anything else, but she is a full-time (!) ranger for the National Park Service at the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. She has been on National Public Radio's All Things Considered and the NBC Nightly News answering bird questions. Sharon and her husband Non-birding Bill are hosts of the best birding podcast on the planet, the Birdchick Podcast. If you're a birder then you must check out this podcast. If you're not a birder I still recommend it because it's that good. And they don't limit themselves to the topic of birding. Birding news, great humor, witty repartee, and a tumbler of Scotch. Yeh, that's the ticket.  Sharon and I discussed topics ranging from birding to citizen science. This was tons of fun and I hope you enjoy it, too. For a full list of Sharon's publications you can visit her website at