Blues NHL Podcast

Latest Episodes
“It’s time to defend the CUP!!!”
It would appear the wheels are in motion to allow our Blues a chance to defend the Stanley Cup. With things happening we only have one question, “are you ready?” Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast!
“Last one out turn out the lights…”
Everyone is asking when the league will start back up but the real question should be “will” they start back up? Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebook: @STLBluesPodcast Twitter: @STLBlues...
Now what?
The NHL has suspended its season so we try to figure out what’s next for the league and more importantly our Blues. Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebook: @STLBluesPodcast Twitter: @STLBl...
Are you getting excited?!
With the playoffs around the corner and the expected return of Vladdy are you starting to get the fever? Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebook: @STLBluesPodcast Twitter: @STLBluesPodcast ...
“Where momma hides the cookies!”
The Blues run their winning streak to seven games as they seem to have gotten their team game back up and running. Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebook: @STLBluesPodcast Twitter: @STLBlu...
What are we doing out there?
Jim is gone from the ice today! So, the rest of the guys take over to bring you the latest blues news and discussions. Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebook: @STLBluesPodcast Twitter: @ST...
Maybe we should come out swinging!!
The Blues have added a defenseman in an effort to get back on track. Things aren’t going well so we turn to our experts to find a way out of this mess. Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebo...
Under pressure?
The Blues are dealing with some real adversity at the moment and our goalies appear to be under siege. Can the Blues put some really tough moments in the rearview mirror and right the ship? Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast!
What’s goin on around here?
The Blues have proven to be human lately and fans are starting to get a little restless… Is it time to hit the panic button? Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebook: @STLBluesPodcast Twitte...
Should we make a move?
The Blues sit atop their division but winning back to back Cups may take an addition upfront. What do you think? Join us for this episode of the Blues NHL Podcast! About the Show: Website: Blues NHL Podcast Facebook: @STLBluesPodcast Twitter: @STLBlues...