Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

Changemakers as Chameleons - Adaptability is Key!

September 14, 2020

In this episode of our Changemaker Series, I had the great privilege of talking with my changemaker friend, Sandra Lima Argo.  I call her a “chameleon” because she has an amazing ability to adapt well to any circumstance and to help others do so.   Much has changed in the world since we sat down for this interview back in the spring, but as you will see, as always, Sandra has embraced the challenge as an opportunity to change and grow and to take others with her on an exciting and fulfilling journey. Sandra has many roles putting good use to her unique experiences and expertise as a Brazilian educator now living and working in the United States as CEO and Founder of her company Liaison America, Director of Education for the Museum of the Bible and Director of ABRACE (Association of Brazilian Cultural Education).  She tells her story using the Blue Roads Changemaker Framework, Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World. Watch, listen and read below to hear her perspectives and how she is cultivating changemakers by developing lifelong liaisons for building connections between her home country and the United States. 

Homegrown SandraSandra was born on an island in northern Brazil.   She credits her family and her teachers for having the most influence on her life. From her entrepreneurial father, she gained the spirit of hard work and from her mother, she learned self confidence  with messages like, “Believe in who you are and what you can bring to the table.”  One particular beloved teacher provided wise words she has never forgotten. “Every room you are in, you are going to be part of the conversation. So make sure you are there entirely. ” These are things that I bring with me wherever I go. I think I can add to the conversation. If the conversation is related to subjects that I'm involved in, I really want to help people in that context. It's because I had those wonderful people in my life that influenced me to think like that.

“I really come from nature. I say this to all my friends, because nature is a big part of who I am.”  

Solution Focused SandraWhenever a problem or issue arises for Sandra, she thinks of her hardworking and determined father who developed these same characteristics in her. She's not one to give up easily or give energy to the possibility of defeat. When I lived an issue in my life, I always thought about what I could do to get out of that context. Whether what she faced was personal or professional, Sandra looked for ways to address the issue head on.