Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

Chief Anthony Wilson - Community Changemaker!

March 04, 2020

Blacksburg, Virginia’s Chief of Police, Anthony Wilson, joined me to share his changemaker journey using our four-part framework “Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World”.  You can view the inspiring 25-minute conversation below and read on to learn how this community leader, who was first on the scene as a SWAT team officer during the horrific 2007 Virginia Tech shootings, has worked to create triumph out of tragedy.  We won’t dwell on that incident here, but it is important to mention because that day and the days that followed are such an integral part of Chief Wilson’s journey as a leader of change since that time.  

Hometown and Homegrown

As a kid growing up in Blacksburg from the age of ten, Anthony enjoyed the benefits of a small town close to nature.  His father was the Provost of Virginia Tech. With the top academic officer at the local university in his home, Anthony describes himself as less academically inclined.  Scholarship was not his forte, but he enjoyed having fun floating the nearby New River that still attracts high school and college students alike. He wasn’t a “bad kid”, just one who often put fun in the sun above his school performance. 

When he finished high school, he wasn’t yet ready to continue his education.  

“So, I ended up going in the Marine Corps, and that was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

In the Marine Corps, he grew from a self-described undisciplined and directionless kid into a young man who had a greater understanding of life and the values he holds dear. At the end of his tour, he married and explored the country with his new wife and an eye toward finding the best place for them to live. 

“We got out to California and, we took our time as a young couple. We had no strings attached. Where would we go? And, lo and behold, we couldn’t find any place better than here.”

Back in Blacksburg, Anthony was now ready for college.  He completed a degree in Agriculture from Virginia Tech and proceeded to work in the private sector for a few years.  He became a father and was doing well, but something seemed to be missing.

“There was a part of me that really missed serving and being part of a team and being part of something bigger.”


Seeking Solutions

Anthony found that opportunity to serve by volunteering with the local fire department.  He’s continued doing so for more than thirty years.  In this role, he established himself as an active and engaged community member.  Soon someone suggested that he might be interested in broadening his service into the realm of law enforcement. 

He found this idea intriguing and joined the Blacksburg Police Department.  He has found the work to be highly satisfying despite the lower wages inherent in public service. Police work came naturally to him because of the high value he places on serving his community.  Unlike the perceived role of police officers as “enforcers”, Chief Wilson began early on working to build relationships as his primary approach to do his j...