Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

The Spirit of Changemaking featuring Nadine Marshall

July 13, 2023

About the AuthorPatricia Talbot( CEO and Co-Founder )Patti cultivates homegrown changemakers prepared to step into their power and work with others to create the world they want to live in.  Get in touch to find out how you can grow the social changemaker in yourself and those you serve with Blue Roads Changemaker YOU. 

Changemaker Nadine Marshall helps her clients develop themselves holistically so they can move from merely surviving and striving to thriving in their own efforts to make a positive difference in the world.  Tune in via the video recording below, listen to the podcast version or read the summary here to learn how she does it!  

Homegrown NadineNadine was born in Greymouth, a small town on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand. Her childhood was filled with imagination and play within the beautiful rugged nature of her hometown. She loved to play outside amongst the natural bush and in the ocean with her brothers and friends.    

Nadine came from a family of coal miners. During her childhood, coal mining was a central part of the town’s economy and to a lesser degree today remains a key aspect of the culture, a deeply rooted way of being based on values of hard work, determination, and warmth.    There's a real resilience and resourcefulness of West Coast people, but also a real deep friendliness and welcoming nature to them when people visit.Female role models were a big part of Nadine's growing up years.  Her mother and grandmother were a consistent guiding presence in her life helping her develop a natural ethic of caring and compassion as well as her own resourcefulness and creativity. 

Nadine's PatchworkAs Nadine grew older, she benefitted from opportunities to interact with people from many different walks of life and cultures including the Maori and Pasifika people. I think that our diversity creates the ability for us to hold space for everyone and for everyone to feel that there's a place for them. Each of us has our unique gifts and strengths that we can offer, but also, at the end of the day, we are connected through our spirit, through our connection of who we are at a real deep essence.Whether she's working with people in farming communities, small towns or urban centers, Nadine believes in the importance of creating spaces where everyone feels valued and can contribute their unique gifts and strengths.

Solution Focused NadineNadine’s deep connection to nature has become her guide when it comes to her work. Since she was a teenager, she has felt her purpose was to help people grow and unleash their potential for the betterment of all.  She is inspired by working with mission-driven organizations that aim to make a positive impact in the world and help individuals discover their own gifts and areas of genius. This has led her toward involvement with organizations in what she describes as a period of disintegration. In these situations, Nadine uses her skills to help the organization, and the people within, to understand and navigate their way through challenges to find new ways of being and working to better meet the human needs at the heart of any project worth doing.  I see us as spiritual beings having a human experience and that the idea of our work is a place in which we can self-actualize and bring our best gifts to ourselves and for the benefit of everyone. 

Changemaker NadineNadine envisions a new way of approaching work, where individuals can thrive rather than just survive or strive for financial success. She uses her multiple talents and passions from spiritual healing, counseling, yoga teaching, consulting, facilitation, and lecturing to weave programming unique to the needs of the clients she serves.  These days, she credits motherhood with having a profound influence on how she's designed her work around her life.  It's a perspective that motivates her to help others find new ways of working that align with their priorities and values as well.  In doing so, Nadine helps people dissolve shame and find new ways of being in their work, supporting their self-actualization and growth. For her, being present for her now teenage children during their formative years and actively supporting them in their activities and growth into adulthood is paramount. By modeling her values in this way, she helps free others to make decisions that are right for them without the burden of societal definitions of “success”. I really want people to connect to the idea of metaphor and being able to be free of some of the construct of the way that we work, whether we work as entrepreneurs or inside organizations. 

Today, Nadine is evolving her business, “Poetic Enterprise,” focusing on metaphor and freedom from restrictive work structures that do not serve the deeper needs of people. She offers coaching for individuals exploring their relationship with work, family and their own positive impacts in the world. Reach her via email nadinelmarshall@gmail.com or LinkedIn for exploratory conversations or to connect and share experiences. 

Nadine’s work in weaving spirituality with work is critical to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. Remember that as Changemakers we are working for the 2030 target!Nadine’s philosophy helps advance Goal #8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal #9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and Goal #11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities.These efforts can also create a positive impact on Goal #10 – Reduced Inequalities and Goal #3 – Good Health and Well-Being. After all, when we create positive environments that allow for personal and professional growth for the humans who do the work, everyone thrives. Please reach out to let us know what YOU and people you know are doing to realize these Global Goals by the year 2030.  We can get there if we all work together and take our place in the world as Changemakers! CHECK OUT our CHANGEMAKER YOU course to help you get started today! 


