Bluefield 30 in 30

Bluefield 30 in 30

Listening to your Team to Achieve Results with Dave Archinal

November 24, 2020

Our guest today is Dave Archinal, the South Australian Manager at Bluefield, and he shares from his wealth of knowledge and experience in the reliability and improvement arena.  Having worked in the industry for over 30 years, Dave has travelled the world working on different improvement programs across numerous industries and commodities.

In this episode, Dave talks about how he got started in the industry in a mechanical engineering cadetship and how he worked his way through supervisory and planner roles, eventually finding his niche in reliability and improvement.  Dave was encouraged to step up into a supervisory role at the young age of 19 and he shares some of the lessons he learned early on about the importance of asking the right questions, listening and enabling others to perform at their best.

As a young apprentice, David was never satisfied with simply completing transactions.  He felt the need to question how the system could be made easier, which led him into maintenance improvement initiatives and eventually into the consulting space.  David shares numerous experiences working with companies to improve their systems by asking the right questions and challenging the existing processes in place.

David shares his 3 golden nuggets for those looking to embark on a reliability improvement project and talks about the importance of taking the time to listen to the people around you.  You can have all the ideas in the world, but until you know what the problem is, you won’t find the solution.





Book: The Knowing Doing Gap