Bluefield 30 in 30

Bluefield 30 in 30

Creating and Maintaining Working Alliances with Ian Goodwin

August 26, 2019

Our guest today, Ian Goodwin, has more than 40 years of experience in the mining industry having worked across the globe. Ian started his career in Western Australia's iron ore industry in the mid-70s, working up from the workshop floor through supervisory and management roles, and then crossing over into the supply function. Ian became a general manager for supply and moved to the US and then on to Canada to head up maintenance and supply for Ekati Diamond Mine.

Ian then became General Manager for Ekati before moving back to Australia after 10 years in North America to lead the BHP Billiton global maintenance networks, where Ian was responsible in sharing best practices across BHP's global mining operations.

After this time, Ian supported several areas of BHP as General Manager for assets before hanging up the laptop, or so he thought. He has been in high demand since retiring and starting his asset advisory and coaching services business.

We’re sure that you will take plenty of learnings from this conversation and this will give you the knowledge to employ the insights learned here in your organizations to get more from your assets.

For more resources and information, head to the Bluefield Asset Management website. To learn more about getting the most out of your assets, grab a copy of Gerard’s book Simplifying Mining Maintenance.