Rising Tide: The Ocean Podcast

Rising Tide: The Ocean Podcast

Rising Tide #64 – Isabella Kirkland’s Art of Nature

August 29, 2022

In our conversation with artist Isabella Kirkland we talk about her detailed paintings of biodiversity both terrestrial and ocean-based and the exacting research that goes into her beautiful works. The late biologist and author EO Wilson called her works “classic in the original and best sense of the word.” Join us in a lively informative talk as we discuss nudibranchs large and small, what inspired her to do a portrait of squat lobsters and why she finds shrimp hard to paint.  

Rising Tide, the Ocean Podcast is co-hosted by Blue Frontier's David Helvarg and the Inland Ocean Coalition's Vicki Nichols-Goldstein. This podcast aims to give you information, inspiration and motivation (along with a few laughs) to help understand our ocean world and make it better. The ocean is rising, and so are we!

Learn more at bluefront.org