Rising Tide: The Ocean Podcast

Rising Tide: The Ocean Podcast

Climate Change and Cultural Resilience on St. Paul Island

December 02, 2024

Destiny Bristol Kushin and Zinaida Melovidov currently reside in the Unangan community of St. Paul Island, Alaska. Destiny is a 20 year old college student working towards her associates degree in environmental sciences. Zinaida is an elder who has lived on the island almost all her life. Her and her granddaughter Destiny are here to talk about the environmental changes they have seen in their lifetimes.

** Links & Resources **

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Blue Frontier: bluefront.org

Building the solution-based citizen movement needed to protect our ocean, coasts and communities, both human and wild.

Inland Ocean Coalition: inlandoceancoalition.org

Building land-to-sea stewardship - the inland voice for ocean protection

Fluid Studios: fluidstudios.org

Thinking radically different about the collective good, our planet, & the future.