Rising Tide: The Ocean Podcast
Sarah Frias-Torres & The Lord of the Rocks
On this episode of Rising Tide the Ocean Podcast, David & Vicki speak with Florida-based oceanographer and marine ecologist Dr. Sara Frias-Torres about her life and work, the tragic “death by a thousand cuts” of the Florida Keys coral reef tract, and the more hopeful recovery of the “Lord of the Rocks” the Goliath Grouper. Despite poaching and pollution, this massive, curious fish is making an impressive comeback from near extinction.
It’s essential for the ecosystem and inspiring for divers. Yet, it could be lost again if the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission doesn’t listen to scientists like Dr. Frias-Torres, who say their protection must be continued.
Dive in to learn more.
Blue Frontier: www.bluefront.org
Inland Ocean Coalition: www.inlandoceancoalition.org
Fluid Studios: www.fluidstudios.org