Blk + In Grad School

Blk + In Grad School

Ep. 82: Lessons Learned: Writing for 100 Days

October 15, 2019

Working towards becoming a better writer, Allanté attempted to write 100 days and shares how she did it. Following the exercises in Patricia Goodson's Becoming an Academic Writer (reviewed in the last episode, check out Ep. 81) Allanté Increased her average writing time amongst other things. There was a lot to gain in terms of establishing a writing practice, improving writing and tracking the progress. Lastly, Allanté shares two essential tools to help during the writing process.


Mentioned during the episode:
Click here to get the Writing Log
Work Log: Get FREE access by signing up to the Balanced Scholar Challenge
Academic Phrasebank:
MyTomatoes, Pomodoro Tracker: