Blind Bargains Audio: Featuring the BB Qast, Technology news, Interviews, and more

Blind Bargains Audio: Featuring the BB Qast, Technology news, Interviews, and more

Latest Episodes

#SightVillage Audio: England and Wales Blind Golfers At The Top Of Their Game
July 21, 2015

Barry Richey and Steve Beevers explain the grass roots behind Blind Golfing. Do they recruit Dave into their ranks? Tune in to hear Dave take a swing at a growing sport. If you are interested in playing through, visit Coverage for

#SightVillage Audio: Productivity, Training And More With Blazie UK
July 21, 2015

Many long-time users of JAWS may remember the name Blazie. But did you ever think you would hear it mentioned in the same breath with Apple's Voiceover? Dave caught up with Kelvin Duncan, of Blazie UK, to learn about the array of services offered by the c

#SightVillage Audio: The Beautiful Sanata Continues With The British Wireless for the Blind Fund
July 21, 2015

Established in 1929, the British Wireless for the Blind Fund has made information and entertainment available, through accessible technology, to thousands in the UK. The privately funded organization offers digital radios such as the DUET 2 and the CONCER

#SightVillage Audio: Setting A Beacon With Barclay's Bank
July 21, 2015

Dave explores the banking services of Barclay's with Parag Nandha as his guide to all things Chip and Pin. Talking ATM's, accessible statements as well as the availability of credit book and checkbook templates are just some of the services offered by th

#SightVillage Audio: Recording Remotely With voice Guidance And Olympus
July 21, 2015

A recorder that has wi-fi and an app to go with it? It sure seems so. hear Aidan Mayne give Dave a tour of the units, and their key features, in the Olympus DM and DP ranges. Or, to get even more details, visit the dedicated site for units with voice guid

Blind Bargains Qast 23: #ACB15 And #NFB15 Convention Conversation
July 17, 2015

J.J. and Joe have returned home from their trip to Orlando and NFB's 75th. our contributor Chancey Fleet was also there in Florida but our guest Jeff Bishop attended the ACB convention in Dallas. All have joined together to review the week that was, minus

@NFB15 Audio: Braille's Best Friends, Cosmo and BERT from E-Brailler
July 15, 2015

Embossers can be loud. However even on the exhibit hall florr, they can't always be heard over the buzz of the attendees. So David Pillischer and joe found a quiet spot to demonstrate the quiet keyboard of the Cosmo for Braille input as well as its incred

#ACB15 Audio: Hands-on with Tactile iOS screenshots from iHabilitation
July 15, 2015

Tom Dekker convinces Shelly to develop her "Ear Hand Cordination" through the use of iHabilitation's tactile books. These Braille books provide visual representations of many commonly used iOS screens for both iPhones and iPads. Work is currentl

#ACB15 Audio: Indoor GPS Navigation with Lowviz Guide
July 14, 2015

GPS is a wonderful thing ... unless you are indoors. It would sure be nice to have a way-finding option to navigate large events like the ACB convention with an iOS app. Oh wait, Shelly found one. Hear Dan Roberts give a walking demo of the Lowviz Guide a

#NFB15 Audio: The Latest from Duxbury Systems
July 14, 2015

Joe is joined by Neal Kuniansky to talk about the latest version of Duxbury for Windows, which is fully compatible with Windows 10. Neal also shares some exciting news for Mac users, and it is hoped that Duxbury for Mac will ship before the end of the ye