Blind Bargains Audio: Featuring the BB Qast, Technology news, Interviews, and more

Blind Bargains Audio: Featuring the BB Qast, Technology news, Interviews, and more

Blind Bargains Qast 27: Limited Time Only Joe With Voiceover Remote

August 15, 2015

The much rested and relaxed J.J. and Joe are back from parts unknown to talk about recent news and events. They also bring word of a new project in an interview with Alex Jurgensen.
Plus, there is a very special appearance by Mr. Patrick Perdue on this very audio program. So tune in to hear "Sound Off", "Last Word" and details on a new giveaway from Jet.
Sponsor: Blind Alive, Don't just live, be alive
We'd like to thank this week's sponsor, BlindAlive for providing us the motivation and support needed to create this episode. No matter your level of health or fitness, there is an exercise program out there for you. To learn more about these fitness products, and subscribe to BlindAlive's podcasts, visit their website.
[Learn more about the BackTPack](]
And here is a link to an audio description which answers some frequently asked questions.
And remember "Don't just live, be alive"!
In the News:
Popular Game Developer Jim Kitchen Dies at 58
Jim Kitchen Mega Games Pack Released, Works with Windows 10
Leasey Version 2 is Released! Please Read Carefully.
How a Braille Enabled Smartwatch Lets Users Feel the Time
American Foundation for the Blind President & CEO, Carl Augusto, to Retire in Spring 2016
BlindSquare 3.1 is out, offering a filter for search results, Audio Menu Settings, easier Apple Maps use, and more:
APH Halts Hardware Development of Braille Plus 18, Evaluating Input from Users
Mac for the Blind is Proud to Make Audio Tutorials Available
Related, from our friends at Apple Vis, AppleVis Extra #32: John Panarese; Mac For The Blind; and Apple Certified Training
Rumola/Great Captcha Solver for Firefox/Chrome/Safari
A dating app for blind people using short voice messages instead of selfies has been developed in a tech hackathon
Comic Books for the Visually Impaired!
Quick Take: Bose SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker with TTS is a Worthy Successor
Hey! We've got something pretty awesome! A brand-new A T Guys Youtube channel!
Discussion Topic: Voiceover Remote Project with Alex Jurgensen
Earlier this year NVDA saw a successful crowd-funded project race to its goals. Can lightning strike twice in the remote arena for Voiceover users? but wait, there's more! What if you could use a remote service to connect a Windows machine, an iOS device or even ... gasp!... an Android based system to remote into a mac? Now how much would you pay? yep, all this is planned for the new Accessibility Hound Remote if they can reach their funding goals. In this interview J.J. will speak to Alex about the scope of the project and what the team hopes to have ready initially during the crowd-funding portion of the project.
Side note: Alex mentioned a camp for Canadian children. you can learn more about the camp by visiting Camp Bowen's site.
Tip: SAPI Eloquence Meets Jim Kitchen's Games
With the recent release of SAPI Eloquence, you can now pair the popular speech synthesizer with many new programs, such as the late Jim Kitchen's huge collection of games. J.J. demonstrates how this might sound on Golf in this tip.
You can ppurchase SAPI Eloquence for $69 from A T Guys.
Sound Off:
Our inbox was brimming with information, and now that J.J. has returned, here are just some of the emails we've picked from the top of the pile. First up, a clarification on Service Animals.

"Hey Guys,
Great show for BBQ 24. I've been enjoying the coverage of Sight Village as well.
Joe, Joe, Joe, you know I wouldn't keep silent on this so here I am to clarify some statement you made regarding service animals versus animals used for emotional support.
First of all, there are two classes under which an animal may accompany someone in public situations.
The first class is service animal as defined under the ADA and other federal and state laws. These animals are, in most cases, restricted to dogs with no breed restrictions. Miniature horses are part of this classification in some but not all