Blacks with Power| Make America Great through Black Power

The Positions Blacks MUST have in America in order to be a Free People…
So, I wasn't going to record an episode...I mean, I wanted to. But I didn't want to...
The reality that police are now shooting us in the back of the head and folk are finding ways to rationalize and justify that. Even those who are supposedly supporting the mattering of Black life, want to see the tape of Andrew Brown Jr's execution as if they believe there could be something on the tape that gives them comfort that a bullet to the back of the head was warranted...
I was compelled to record a show. But, I also didn't assert that with Pr. Jimmie. So, we didn't set up in my normal software for recording. So...this will be an Old Skool throw back type show...
It will be just audio.
Yet, we were on fire! I was in a space that I hope I won't be in next week. Yet, I give thanks for what the Spirit placed in our midsts and so I am releasing this as a traditional audio only podcast.
Because we must consider: what is the line that cannot be crossed? What is the deal breaker for this experiment in integration? Do we have a deal breaker? Or have we simply resigned ourselves...reconciled ourselves to taking this ass-whopping until White folk stumble upon a higher level of civility and humanity than which they are presently capable?
We have to have some positions that protect and assert our dignity as human beings. So, in this conversation I present some of those foundational positions we must have and why we must have them if we the Black People are to become anything more than a victim of the American Experiment.
There are some foundational positions we must hold as a people, and we must be willing to disengage from anything that violates our dignity. So, in a sense: this might be the last podcast, because I don't know what point it serves to have this conversation if you all are still ok with remaining a subjugated people.
But if you hear this and are moved to protect and assert your dignity, let us know in the comments and we can continue on this journey together!